Tourism in The Heart of Borneo

MIRI: Sarawak and Kalimantan are working out an exciting Heart of Borneo adventure-tourism package filled with fascinating scenery and exhilarating cultural experiences. This was discussed at a dialogue between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Sarawak and Kalimantan branches on the latest issues concerning the two-million-hectare Heart of Borneo region shared by Sarawak, Kalimantan and Brunei, Borneo project manager NurainiSoulisa told The Star yesterday. "We are discussing the latest issues on the Heart of Borneo such as our latest sustainable conservation efforts, researches and transboundary monitoring. "We will draw up an exciting eco-tourism package in the Heart of Borneo for local and international tourists."The region is full of exciting adventures and beautiful scenery," she said, adding that the meeting began yesterday and will end tomorrow.
The Heart of Borneo, a vast central region encompassing the Tama Abu mountain range, was still unexplored in many parts and there were reported sightings of endangered animals such as the rhinoceros and temadu (Bosjavanias species of buffalo) in the jungles there. An expedition team made up of 93 scientists, researchers and nature lovers was recently assembled to conduct a detailed ground survey to locate the rare animals. The team was also carrying out an in-depth analysis of not just the animals, but of the plants, trees and other vegetation growing in the wild there. The results of the studies would be used as a platform for the Sarawak Forestry Department to formulate a blueprint for long-term measures for conservation and protection of these rare species.
The team would also study the historical background of the natives there and establish their social origins, traditional practices and way of life, which would allbe included in anthropology surveys. The scientists and researchers were from local universities including Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UniversitiSains Malaysia and the Sarawak Biodiversity Centre as well as countries such as Denmark, Australia, Sri Lanka and Brunei.
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